Self-Defense Seminars for Men & Women

What’s Included

2.5 Hour Seminar

The Personal Safety Seminar is a one-time, two-and-a-half-hour session that offers a holistic approach to personal safety through a discussion about situational awareness, mindset, and a few simple, but effective self-defense techniques. This seminar is on-demand only. We ask for at least six attendees minimum.

Designed for Everyone

Regardless of experience or fitness level, our small seminar-based classes focus on instinctive, simple techniques for real-world situations. Train in a positive, stress-free environment, and learn to turn natural reactions into effective defense strategies.

Leave Feeling Empowered

Our seminar-based self-defense course is designed to instill confidence and essential safety skills. You'll learn practical, real-world techniques in a safe and comfortable environment. This one-time commitment can help provide tactics and techniques to empower you to live confidently in an uncertain world.

All techniques are taught in a slow and deliberate manner on Century Bob punching bags. 

No athletic clothing is needed. Simply wear your everyday attire.

Ages 13 & up.

Training Schedule

Real Testimonials


Women’s Personal Safety & Self-Defense Seminar


radKIDS® Personal Empowerment Safety Education